Our team realizes that there are many people who need AI just to help them be more efficient with their daily tasks.
If you're one of those high-tech individuals who is on the cutting edge of AI creating lots of powerful, complex functions for industries, we thank you for developing advancements we all can benefit from...
But if you're an average person who wants to see how AI can help you with a few tips and tricks on checking emails, writing letters, doing some basic research, and developing a nice presentation slide deck occasionally, then look at our classes.
You're going to find several that enhance your work, save you time, help you grow new skills at a pace you didn't expect, and allow you to go about your day more effortlessly than ever before. Sign up today and give us a try!
Why Choose Us?
We coach people to solve real world problems both at home and at work
Created fundraising campaign idea and generated an image and a compelling proposal of what the vision of the charity was trying to accomplish. This image was used and the fundraiser was a success.
Custom built a slogan and generated an image for T-shirts for an elementary school class celebrating 100 days of learning, using the theme of fairies.
Success Story! Online Marketing
Learned how to build a PowerPoint for SEO training that saved 3-4 hours of time, cutting work to 20 min.
Success Story Pending
Everyday we are helping people find new and creative ways to remove waste from their processes and improve productivity. We want to put your success story here.
Our Services
Meet and build your custom plan
Map your process and build your organization/family goals (e.g. reduce process time by 50%)
Build standard company prompts and improvement tools and execute workshops
Meet regularly to review and update as needed
Before After
Fundamental Elements
Utilize cutting-edge AI technology to uncover tailored solutions for your unique challenges.
Build a strong foundation with proven, industry-recognized tools and best practices.
Receive personalized, world-class support and instruction to achieve your goals.
Build a customized plan specific to your needs; up to 90 minutes with your leadership team.
$250 / hr
Best option for small businesses, start ups and personal projects
$50 pp / class
Best option for getting individual basic AI training. Classes are usually 75 min. (after purchase you will be contacted for scheduling)
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Are we human because of unique traits and attributes not shared with either animal or machine?
Luxury is something everyone deserves from time to time. Such an indulgence can make a vacation.
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